Monday, April 7, 2014


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Special mother-daughter bond seen here
My grandparents are here! My sweet old grandparents flew in a couple weeks ago for my sister's graduation and they're staying at least until my other sister's wedding in August. They are floaters- as in they float around the country living with their children so I guess it's my mom's rotation now. They came with 2 suitcases and plan to live out of them until whenever their children decide it's time for them to leave again.

My grandma is a tiny 4'9" woman who weighs 101 pounds (She tells me this all the time. She used to be in the double digits and she is really proud she broke triple digits recently). She is 89 years old and is strong and healthy other than arthritis and recent knee surgery. She often forgets stories that she tells me so when I finish her stories with the punch line, she kind of looks at me with wide eyes like, "What". She lived with us when in my early childhood and literally used to wipe my butt. If she had a Myspace with her grandchildren as her friends, I would definitely be in her top 8 (and she has like 15 so that's pretty good).

My grandpa is 90 years old and has a strong hand grip bilaterally, but his hearing is off. It took years to convince him to get hearing aids, and he finally has them, but he says those $5000 hearing aids itch his ear so he doesn't wear them. My family jokes that he is just tired of hearing grandma. They have been married for 70 years! They were arranged to be married at 18 and 19. A while ago, I asked my grandma if she thought my grandpa was cute when they first met. She said no, the first time they met was at their wedding and she cried because she was scared. By the time they were my age now, they had 2 kids! Every three years= two kids, she tells me.

That's all I wanted to say. I have the worst time ending blog posts because I feel like I could keep babbling on forever. This is all- the end.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep publishing stories. It makes a pretty cool record of our family.
