Sunday, May 4, 2014

Handwritten notes

When John moved away, we started sending each other letters and cards through the mail. The ACTUAL mail, not Facebook or texts or email (although I really do enjoy getting emails that aren't work-related!). At first, we were really good at writing back and forth, but we don't write as regularly anymore which makes it even more exciting each time we do. Every time I look into the mailbox and see my name written out in John's scribbly hand writing, I get a giddy feeling in my gut before proceeding to rip apart the envelope. I have a smile on my face the whole time I am reading it. It's fun to see what card he chose that he thought I'd like or get a glimpse into John's head a couple days ago. With the internet and cell phones, everything else we do is very instant so it's nice to get a tiny time capsule.

I love writing the letters too. Since we talk on the phone regularly, we usually write to each other about little things like what we're doing at the moment and how the weather is. It's like journaling and I think it's therapeutic so I write them all the time, but maybe half of them never get sent because I get too lazy to send them and then forget what I wrote in them so I feel like I shouldn't send them anymore. I've been starting to address my letters in more fun ways. I feel like it makes letters feel even more like a present!
I wish I could post a picture of some of envelopes! But no, because it has real addresses on them.
I starting thinking about letters this week because I'd gotten a couple of birthday cards with little notes written inside that I truly adored! Also, I was pre-menstruating so I was probably hormonal and emotional, but really, most of my birthday cards were only a sentence or two and I loved them! I put them all up on my bulletin board in front of my desk as inspiration. I didn't really want anything for my birthday this year--- I figured I can buy myself anything that I really wanted, but I can't buy myself a sweet handwritten note from a friend. Also, I love reading handwriting!! I feel like everyone's handwriting has personality and all I ever read now is type! 'Happy birthday' in scribbles or cursive is way better than 'Happy birthday' in Times New Roman.

This is a little reminder to myself to write more birthday cards, no matter how short. I'm never too busy to scribble down a sweet sentence or two!

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