Thursday, May 1, 2014

Another outfit ruined by nursing shoes

my pants were so neon they're white in this picture.
Today was May 1st and it was absolutely beautiful today! I woke up with greasy sweat on my face and the back of my neck sticky. It was a Seattle summer preview! The weather gods were saying, "hey, don't move away, remember this???" and reminded us with sunny 85 degree weather. I was not going to let this opportunity to wear cute close slip between my fingers, so I put on high waisted shorts and a peasant top, packed my scrubs in my backpack and headed for the door.... when I realized I had to wear nurse appropriate shoes. Damn it!

In terms of nurse shoes, I have Danskos and a pair of Nikes. I wear my Danskos to clinical because things in the hospital are disgusting and I want to be able to wipe away any crap that ends up on them with a bleach wipe. I wear my Nikes to the lab where everything is fake blood, urine or poop. Neither are cute if you are trying to be cute, and honestly, when is anyone ever not trying to be cute? Ugh. Because we were at the simulation lab today, I opted for the Nikes which made me feel like a 12-year-old boy (There's something about being 5 feet tall and wearing shorts, a t-shirt and tennis shoes with white socks that makes me feel like a little boy). So there goes another cute outfit ruined by nursing-appropriate footwear!

On another note, can I just gush about John for a second? John is so wonderful- he flew in last weekend just for my birthday. He even surprised me with a pet balloon (uh, obvious key to a girl's heart). He is smart, funny, and honest. He always answers his phone with an upbeat "Hi!", and he never yells (unless it's about sports). He can make friends with just about anybody. He is a man and a friend, he is my manfriend. Okay, enough, gross, sorry. 

Good night!
Kim Kardashian calls this a CÉLFIE


  1. You saying that John never yells makes me feel bad because we yell all the time...

    1. What? when do we yell??! I mean yell light arguing and fighting and raising your voice in anger!!!
