Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today I woke up and was lying in bed when I unconsciously started singing, "I don't know about youuuu, but I'm feeeeling twwwwenty twooo". It wasn't until I got to the 'feeeling twwwwenty twoooo' part when I realized I was singing Taylor Swift's 22!!!! Was it a coincidence or did I suddenly feel 22?! I think the latter. So I played the song and danced and sang into my imaginary mic. It's a new right of passage. 18- get a tattoo or piercing, 21- drink legally, 22- listen to Taylor Swift and sing about how you feel 22. 

When I was 18 or 19, 22 felt so far away. I thought by the time I turned 22, I'd be so much smarter than I was then and I'd have so many more adult life experiences. It turns out, I feel the same. I'm still young and naive, and very much still learning! Each birthday feels like the past year felt shorter than the one before, and that's probably because each year older you turn, that year is a smaller fraction of the time you've lived total. 21 flew by too quickly! I mean, I still get a thrill getting my ID checked to drink in public! May 22 be long lasting and full of freaking fun. I'm excited to see what 22 will bring. 
The fanciest thing I have ever done- wine tasting ^^^
Also, this is Taylor Swift's 22.

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