Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial day weekend part 2

Growing out of John's ear at Kerry Park
As with most weekends John is in town for, I had the most relaxing eventful weekend. Honestly, it felt like a vacation, where you're really busy because you're trying to soak everything up, but at the same time so relaxed. We did so much in 5 days that I am fighting off the resulting fatigue that is telling me to just close my eyes and drift off to sleep. When John comes, we're usually shuttling from his friends to his family and back to his friends so that he gets a chance to see everyone. It's fun, but exhausting!! We had to take turns driving because we'd be out all day, and it would be super tiring for one person to do all that driving. We also ate lots of Asian food because Kentucky lacks good Asian food and we had sushi for 4 meals this weekend! Ahh, what a tasty weekend. One thing we did not do this weekend was work. I don't know how I got away with it, but I'm sure it will bite me in the butt this week.

On Sunday, we attended John's friend's wedding reception at China Harbor, a big Chinese restaurant that sits on Lake Union. Too bad it was rainy all day- no one got to enjoy the giant porch that hangs over the lake! I got to see all of John's temple friends again although I really have trouble remembering all their names. Most of them have Vietnamese names that John pronounces in English, so all the names just sound foreign to me being that they're not quite English names, yet not quite Vietnamese. Also, I see them maybe 4 times a year, and I met 30 of them all at the same time, whereas they're meeting just me! I usually just smile and ask John to remind me everyone's name as we run into them. Anyway, this time, I was surprised how many names I could match to faces (I should make note cards with their faces on one side and their name on the back). Part of the reason was that John kept leaving me to go talk to other people, so I just ended up talking to whoever was sitting next to me which was always someone different, because no one was in their seat.
Ellen inspired selfie, though not as many famous people...
Whenever one of us has to fly back and away from each other, we try to plan something fun to do so that we're not moping around the house and letting goodbyes loom over our heads. Today we went to Discovery Park in Magnolia. It was a beautiful 65 degrees and sunny, perfect for a little city hike. I can't even believe this park is in Seattle city limits. There is so much green space and, I mean, that view. You can even see West Seattle from that place! 
Overlooking Puget Sound
A tiny little wildflower bouquet I made
P.S. John, thanks for coming to hang out! Can't wait to see you again!


  1. I like the contrasting juxtaposition of your dress pattern and John's tie pattern while still matching with the blue

    1. Wow, so observant. You guys go together without matching. Well played.
