Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend part 1

Ohana in Belltown with John and Jenny
Next time I hang with Jenny, I need to step up my hair game
Because of awesome scheduling, I'm half way through my FOUR day weekend which started Thursday at 12:20 pm. So it's basically 4 and a half days. John flew in Thursday and his flight came early so I sat in class anxiously bouncing my leg and clicking my pen while he waited at the airport for me for an hour and a half. Oh, we've had so much fun already, I wish I could bottle up the next 2 days of fun and save it for a sad day!

Last night, we celebrated a friend's birthday at Bucca di Beppo. That place is so much fun. The decor is crazy Italian ecclectic and the food is family style which means you get to try a variety of dishes. Bucca has become a go-to restaurant for big get-togethers because the atmosphere is welcoming and they regularly accommodate huge groups so we don't feel like a huge burden on the poor waiter who has to has to serve 15 people that usually serves tables of 2-4. I always forget how delicious their pasta is. I never order pasta at restaurants so I am kinda, ehhh, when we decide to go to Bucca, but then I have a bite of pasta, and I am pleasantly reminded how tasty it is. After dinner, we went to a friend's apartment in Capitol Hill who had a pet garden snake. At first I was totally creeped out, until I got a closer look at his cute little face and his smooth shiny little scales! It also helped that he wasn't smelly. He was so cool, and yes, everyone did try to Britney Spears him. I wish he could've talked. I wonder if he liked me. Later that night, we ended up at 95 Slide where we saw EVERYONE. I ran into cousins and friends of cousins and friends of friends, and high school friends, and new friends. Blah, it was all just too much fun.
Carbo loading for nothing

Cool kids' car

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