Monday, January 27, 2014

Running struggle

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The weather last week was so great and so great! Sunny, but crisp so I can bundle up and layer in all that cute winter clothes sitting in my closet. It's been making me want to go outside and get some vitamin D. So to get outside last week I went on a run (A run. One run). I have mixed feelings about running. Part of me tells me to love it: it's good for me, my heart, my brain, my bones. It helps me fall asleep at night which is awesome considering I am a horrible sleeper and it's a confidence boost waking up sore the next morning. Another part of me hates being it. It makes me out of breath and tired and I'd rather lie in bed. The worst is the showering and drying my hair and getting back to ready. That adds another half hour onto my designated "workout" time! It is truly a personal motivational struggle I deal with every time it is sunny.

I actually was doing great with regularly exercising at the beginning of the school year, but the combination of working more, winter darkness and getting sick once, I fell out of routine and just never started up again. My roommate wants me to run a half marathon with her and I'm tempted especially with the days getting lighter and longer, but I'm not making any promises just yet.

1 comment:

  1. Half marathon?! I worry about running to class but that is about it.
