Friday, January 24, 2014

First time passing medication

New fav book: Davis' Drug Guide for Nurses.
 Today in lab, we practiced passing meds for the first time. It sounds pretty easy, but right before our faculty member let us practice with the med cart, she word vomited about the importance of preventing medication errors and the 6 rights to giving medication and how our final exam includes a physical exam of us passing meds and how if we mess up, we fail the class and fail out of the program and will be $30,000 in debt with no marketable career skills... Just kidding about that last part. She didn't actually say that part, but I'm pretty sure everyone was thinking it. So everyone got really nervous doing it in front of our instructor and over thought things. I'm not sure if it's because I don't care as much because I know it is practice or if it's because I am actually confident, but I felt strangely calm about approaching the med cart and messing around with all the different stuff on it. Basically what I got out of today's lab was check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check that you have the right med, dose, route, person, time and documentation. Also, question physicians because they're human too and they make mistakes! Actually, since I started school, I am more skeptical of all healthcare professionals...But more on that some other time. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! I'm glad nurses check the doctors work because they are overworked.
