Thursday, July 3, 2014

U-Pick Cherries

One of the best summer fruits are rainier cherries and the best part about living in this area is that they grow right in your back yard! Honestly, I think I have tried a bing cherry maybe 5 times in my life, and I could definitely live without. But rainier cherries? They remind me of childhood and they are just so darn delicious. So yesterday, my parents, my sister and I made our way out to Wenatchee to pick some rainier cherries. It was a pretty long drive there and back for maybe 45 minutes of actual cherry picking, and I probably won't do this again until I have children and feel obligated to give them summertime adventures, but it was a good experience. With the cost of gas and the time spent sitting in the car, I think the cherries may not have been as cheap as the $2.50/lb price tag seemed, but I think my parents consider time spent with their children priceless, so they didn't care. Anyway, here are fun pictures from the day.
Kim, making friends with the friendly farm dog that greeted everyone on the way in. Mom was terrified.
Does my dad remind you of Dwight at Schrute farms or have I been watching too much the Office?
My mom, Kim and I all ended up wearing the same thing: pink top, tan hat.
Here is a picture of my parents pretending to be farm vendors selling to Kim, a farmer's market goer. And wowza, check out all those cherries!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute. Your mom looks so happy in that last picture!!
