Thursday, March 20, 2014

Not over yet

I have 2 tests down with 1 to go, and I feel so out of it. I took my pharmacology final on Tuesday and we just got our grades. I feel like now that that's over, I don't care! I worked my butt off in that class and it paid off, but now I'm like, so what? It doesn't really matter what grade I got because we're all going to get jobs after we graduate anyway. I am very laid back compared to my classmates about tests and grades, and I hope it doesn't come off as unmotivated, but this driving desire to get a 4.0 is a self-inflicted stress! Even after you get it, so what...? Life continues and no one sends you a cake or flowers.

I should really be studying and preparing for my last final, but at this point, it feels like there is little use. It'll be about nursing interventions which is very important, but this basically sums up that test that I'll be taking tomorrow and the gerontology test I took yesterday:
Is the answer A? A and C? A, B, and D? or none of the above? Or wait, all of the above?
Also, I just spent 30 minutes on Pinterest reading Ryan Gosling's Hey Girl memes, silently shake-laughing to myself. You know that kind of laugh where all you hear is the person trying to breath in air, and they're kind of shaking? Yes, that kind. I think this one was made for me.
Thanks Ryan
Happy Thursday. Spring break, you're so close...

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