Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Coincidences + Cuffs

Today a cool coincidence happened! I love coincidences because they give me a sense of destiny and faith and yada yada yada. Just kidding, I just love coincidences because they are fun!

So this morning, Seattle experienced it's first sunny day in probably two weeks. I went to Starbucks to get studying for my test on Friday, and I got a text from my favorite future nurse ever, Jenny, commenting on how there was so much cute clothes at Gap... Gap like 5 stores down from me?!!!?!?! So I told her to come find me and she did! And what did she have with her? All her stuff to study for pharm with me!!!  I know see this girl for a full day pretty much every other day, but I even surprised myself with how excited I was to see her. Yay for unexpected coincidences!
 photo D8EC409E-6B21-4709-96E3-E2F0B4F62B3A_zpsr1cpwud6.jpg  photo 6FC7CBD3-AD10-4379-95A2-9F0EABE1C016_zpspej1skl6.jpg

Also, I am noticing (partly due to Jenny) that cuffed jeans are the newest trend, so I cuffed my jeans today. I must say it makes me feel cool, but also short. This is what Gap's website looks like right now. Cuffs people, yay or nay? photo Untitled_zpsb1e49684.png


  1. Jenny's cuffs yes. Gap's cuffs no. I think their pants are just too long and they didn't have a tailor.

  2. omg haha i remember when I used to cuff my jeans senior year of high school lol! I still like it though but if does make me feel short
