Sunday, February 9, 2014

Christmas in February

Yesterday I left work  at 9:15 pm to be greeted by a crazy snow shower! IN FEBRUARY. IN SEATTLE. It probably only snowed for a couple hours, but by then the temperatures had dropped to below freezing and that stuff was sticking til morning! It was very pretty looking outside this morning, and I was secretly hoping for the snow fiesta we had 2 years ago where campus was closed for 3 days (unheard of!), but no, it's almost all melted now. Anyway, go away snow, because John is coming this weekend so fingers crossed, no delayed flights this weekend.
 photo 3fd3b866-932f-4903-9b6d-816f9122f585_zpsf829df4b.jpg  photo 62CBD0F9-1236-4B98-9116-958D29B9070B_zpsxgm7ewg8.jpg  photo 5312EC87-2250-493B-BCB3-1193C082BC9D_zpsstnoyjx0.jpg
p.s. this is global warming and we should all be very concerned

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