Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello blog!

Hi blog! I meant to start a blog when I started nursing school to document my progress through the program and so I could look back and see all the fun things I did. It's too easy for this to all fly by and for me to not remember my feelings and experiences. It might just end up in one big lump of a memory that is filed under my brain as "NURSING SCHOOL". Here goes.
This is me at orientation. Boy, I love Seattle summer!
It is currently my 2nd quarter of 7 quarters in my BSN program. Our first quarter we focused on basic assessments and pathophysiology. I freaking killed it last quarter. Initially I was worried the entire quarter and I remember the butterflies/nervous-barf feeling I had on my first day of class, not knowing anyone and that feeling of competition still radiating from everyone... It's the competitiveness of getting into school that creates that vibe between everyone which is sad because I still feel like it's there. People have for sure become friends since then, but there is still competition and lots of complaining among the A type personalities and the high-strung people. C'mon everybody! Get together, build camaraderie!

Me and my comrade. #gohawks
This quarter we have our first pharmacology course as well as a nursing interventions theory/lab, and a gerontology theory/clinical. We had our orientation to our clinical placements this last week, and my placement site is SOOO NICE. It's a skilled-nursing retirement facility that sits right on Lake Washington.
View from the clinical site
Interventions lab: My first sterile dressing, dated and all!
Anyway, it's 10 pm on a Saturday night and I am tired! I will continue this tomorrow.

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