Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Very GoPro Wedding

OoooOooOoooOOOooooo... Fish eye
For John's birthday, I bought him a GoPro for all his adventure-documenting needs. We felt like how our parents must feel when they're learning how to use facebook or install a printer onto their computer, because it was so frustrating getting the little thing to work. My patience wore thin much quicker than John's so he ended up figuring it out so he wore it on his chest for the wedding!

Since Kim didn't have a videographer, it was great because John was able to record speeches and thank yous and the ceremony. Also, lots of funny conversations, and people pointing at John's chest. GoPro rules. Other than being slightly dizzying from all the shaking, the video quality is excellent (make sure to watch it in HD!), and the sound is clear. John left the GoPro with me so I will have to figure out how to use this thing myself so I can record my own adventures! Before the ceremony, John set the camera to snap a picture every 30 seconds so there are so pretty cool candid ones. The rest of the day was caught on video, and with my amateur video editing skills, we made a little wedding video! Enjoy! And congratulations to Kim and Andy!

My stout little dad
This is Howard, the photographer. I feel like he needs to be recognized, because he worked so hard and is nice, and wasn't even in 1 wedding photo.
This photo wasn't taken on the GoPro, but this is what John looked like with the chest strap on! So Ironman-esk.

And lastly, the little wedding video pieced together by me! I'm pretty proud of myself. Eventually, I'll make a video with sound from the day because there are some pretty funny conversations out there.

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