Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lil Jon

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Uh, we were too hungry to take before pictures of our food, so I only got after photos.

Lil Jon (not to get confused with this Lil Jon) is a little breakfast place in Bellevue that has been there who knows how long. They have a giant Lil Jon sign outside like those diners along the highway that try to attract commercial truck drivers, which is odd because Lil Jons is right in the middle of suburbia. As a kid, I saw the sign all the time, but hadn't ever actually eaten there. It was just a part of the scenery on our way to Michael's. Anyway, I think Lil Jon caught on fire a little while ago and they had to rebuild the whole thing. When they reopened in January, it was a big deal among the Factoria-lites and I finally got to go today!

It was alright. Maybe a step up from Denny's, but honestly I don't know what all the hype is about.


  1. It's the atmosphere! I like watching the cute old couples go in for Sunday breakfast.

  2. I don't see the hype either lol but that's cause I dont care for breakfast food
