Monday, April 21, 2014

Surprise party for dad!

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Always trying to be the center of attention: my dad dramatically blowing out the candle
My dad's birthday is this week so we celebrated on Sunday. When I got to my parent's house that morning, my dad wasn't home and while looking for candles, we found balloons! So we got busy blowing up balloons, making animals and taping them to the wall. It was silly, but fun- I'm hoping we'll do face painting for my birthday next weekend. Just kidding...

Anyway, all my sisters came home which was nice because we're hardly ever all there during our regular Sunday lunch. I was planning to go buy my dad a present that morning, but I totally forgot it was Easter and everything was closed- even Target. So I bought this amazing Boston creme fruit cake from Safeway- it was sooo good. It wasn't even good for Safeway- it was actually crazy delicious.The cake was moist and there was a ton of fruit piled on top of it. So much that my grandma didn't want to eat it because she kept saying it was too much a hassle. We were trying to get her to explain what that even meant, and she just told us she doesn't like to eat things when it looks like there are a lot of individual things on it. So she had a VooDoo donut that Liza brought from Portland.

It was really nice to get a break from school and go home and pretend like I didn't have a ton of work to do, but now it's Monday again which means it's back to real life. Please let the next 7 weeks just fly by because I'm ready to check out!
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My mom made pho. This is usually the system: one of us microwaves the bowls to warm the noodles, my mom pours boiling soup into the bowl, and one of us is the runner who carries the bowl to the table.
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My Gma licking her fingers while eating her donut. She looks like a bunny- so fitting with it being Easter!
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Linda brought me my early birthday present and this is how she wrapped it. Linda wins at creative wrapping in our family.

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