Finals are in a week which means studying studying studying. I've been trying to go to different places to get a change of scenery so I don't get bored of studying and it has been so fun! Yesterday I went to Vivace which is a hip little coffee shop in Capitol Hill that's been there for more than 20 years. The one problem for me about going to all these coffee shops is that I don't drink coffee! How unSeattle of me. So I'll get a tea, but I can't have more than 2 cups and they can't be after 3 pm, because then I get restless at night and can't fall asleep at all! Anyway, I got their minty green tea and it was so yummy smelling and tasting. It's brewed in this little glass orb thing that is so pretty and looks like a terrarium.
Anyway, time to study in during this BEAUTIFUL sunny Seattle week. If you need a break, I came across this video yesterday during one of my frequent web-browsing study breaks. The best part is their daughter in the back not noticing anything unusual. Also, if you haven't seen Frozen, go see it! Happy studying everyone!
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