Sunday, March 23, 2014

52 hours of not school

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It has been 52 hours since I finished my second quarter of nursing school and it feels good! In those 52 hours, I have had exactly 2 alcoholic drinks, been in three states, listened to Tina Fey's entire audio book reading of Bossypants, secretly and obsessively checking online to see if any grades have been posted, and spent a full day sheating (shopping + eating) with John. It feels so good to be so free! One day, someday, I will not come home to home-work, and I will have so much time I won't know what to do with myself, but for now, this week will suffice.

As much as I wish I were somewhere hot and spring break-y like Cabo or Florida or something like that, I am broke and honestly, an old grandma who doesn't go out.  Who in college can afford to do that anyway? Maybe next year (which will actually be my last official spring break), I'll plan something better and John won't live so far away so I won't feel so sad leaving him at home!

Happy Spring break!
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A celebratory bloody mary after our last final!


  1. WHATEVER IS ON THAT PLATE LOOKS SO GOOD!!! You reminded me that I have Bossypants but I only got through 3/4 of it. I should re-read it.

  2. Is that a burger in your bloody mary?! Where to begin...
