Thursday, February 20, 2014

John visited [part 2]

So I was in such a rush the other day, that I know my post did not do the weekend as much justice as it should have. I had a fab-u-lous weekend. I don't think I've been that happy since last time John was in town. I was so excited to wake up every morning to get my day started and I wanted everyday not to end. It feels to nice to just forget everything and spend some good old time with your boo. I had giant virtual pile of pictures on my phone so I got to looking through them and found a bunch more I wanted to share.

 photo 1EFFE73A-D5CD-42B9-B36D-6855983C38B5_zpsxvekdh92.jpg  photo 31211054-9064-4377-8AFF-6F31E9106548_zpsvtpcdjla.jpg  photo 4F4CCFB3-D9D6-4056-8BD5-F3DB3F743295_zpsjdxsujyo.jpg  photo EFDF2B24-B680-4281-9975-B446E855B823_zpslewxfyw6.jpg  photo B6A24B82-D800-48C5-9BD3-ED8EB9941791_zps26bmrwnh.jpg  photo AFECCDC4-DD33-429A-B5F1-2C07F96C436D_zpso5zkoqbc.jpg  photo 6CE74415-A5AF-4F0A-8F64-C2704E1B101F_zpsxzvecpk7.jpg

But of course, it was time to get back to real life. Just yesterday I started reorienting myself back into school work and I got really stressed out and just wished it was the weekend again. I'll basically be full on school mode, no messing around until spring break. At least the distance gives me my own time to study. Here's to long distance relationships! and the soon-to-come end of winter!!


  1. This looks so cute!!!! and I can't get my pictures to align correctly like yours do and its frustrating me...

    1. First click on the pic and choose one of the sizes (small, medium, large, xl [this sets up the html code]). Then you have to edit the HTML by clicking the little button on the top left above your entry box. Then find in the code where it says 'width' or 'height' and manually adjust the pixel width and height :)

    2. It doesn't matter which size you click because you're just setting up the code for it! I use large for my horizontal pictures which is width=640px / height=480px, and just change my vertical pictures to width=320, height=427. That will allow 2 vertical pictures equal to the width of 1 horizontal picture
