Sunday, January 19, 2014

Seahawks Super Bowl Bound!

Today, the Seahawks beat the 49ers for the NFC Championship title and earned themselves a ticket to the Super Bowl! I am so excited! I even looked at tickets to New York for February 2nd... Haha no, I have a test the next day.
Game-sealing tip
I'm probably what haters would call a band-wagoner which I'm a little sad about, but at the same time, what team doesn't want more fans?! This is the first season I actually watched most of games and it's probably a combination of my increasing interest since dating John and the hawks doing really well this season. John has had a big man crush on short little Russell Wilson since Russell's college days at North Carolina. When Russell Wilson was drafted at my birthday dinner on April 27th, 2012, John went bezerk and continues to fall more in love with him every passing day. John gets really offended when other Seattle people tell him that they liked Russell Wilson first, but John's best friend gets drunk and puts those haters in their place.

Anyway, so glad my blood pressure is at a safe level again... until February 2nd. Go Hawks!

1 comment:

  1. Its cool that you are a fan. I'm not but I still get nervous when I hear that the Seahawks are down. Go sea hawk!
